(Numida meleagris) is a bird of the family Tsesarevich. The only species of the genus Numida, the old name is Numida ptilorhynca domesticated by humans. Characterized by horn-shaped appendage on the crown and a red fleshy beard. In East Africa, referred to as Kanga (Swahili kanga or khanga), in South Africa, also called generally (Afrikaans).
Widespread in Africa (South of the Sahara desert) and on the island of Madagascar.
Birthplace of the domesticated ordinary Guinea fowl — Western and South-Central Africa. In ancient times the home of the Guinea fowl came from Africa to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
Portuguese travelers brought the fowl again to Europe from West Africa in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and since then it, like poultry, can be frequently seen in the poultry yards.
Guinea fowl are close relatives of domestic chickens, turkeys and quails. Although the birthplace CESA-rock Africa, they thrive in different regions of Russia in co-holding as indoors and in the paddock and even in the cells. They get sick much less often chickens and other poultry. Life gregarious, get along well with the inhabitants of the yard. Run fast and can even fly, so the adult to 5−6 cm cut the flight feathers on one wing.
Guinea fowl bred for obtaining meat diet, high-quality eggs and for pest control: worms, slugs, insects (including Colorado potato beetle). The meat of this bird tastes like game meat, contains less water and fat than chicken, according to nutritional and other biological parameters considered the best of poultry. Guinea fowl eggs — light brown in color, somewhat smaller chicken in their egg yolks more than the chicken, dry matter, vitamin A and carotenoids, they taste better, do not cause allergies in children and adults.
On our barnyard guests can observe and participate in feeding and caring for this interesting bird.
According to the website: ru.wikipedia.org.